Nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, in the Leeward Islands of the West Indies, lies the two island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis, the smallest sovereign state in the Western Hemisphere in both area and population. Fly direct to our international airport from the US, UK and Canada and enjoy the unique combination of modern amenities and pristine landscapes, which sets us apart from other Caribbean islands.
St. Kitts, the larger of the two islands with a population of 44,000 warm and beautiful people, and a land mass of 67 square miles, is characterized by lush mountain sides, beaches of white, gray and black sands, shimmering aqua blue waters with colorful fish and green sea turtles, and delicious local cuisines. This quaint island, where the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea meet, will capture you with its enriched history and laidback feel.
Walking through the streets of the capital town of Basseterre, you’ll be met with the smokey smell of grilled food, local fruit vendors and fresh vegetable stands. As the daylight comes to an end, settle down somewhere on the coastline to watch the glorious sunset and get ready for a night life filled with live music and starry skies.
St. Kitts and Nevis also offers a Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program. Invest in this Platinum Standard in CBI, one of the most respected and sought after CBI programs in the world, and enjoy the numerous benefits of investing in our small, peaceful island.
St. Kitts and Nevis offers something for everyone. Whether you want to engage your adventurous side by hiking through the dense tropical forest, or you are looking at relaxing beachside, ‘island life’ here is truly wonderful!